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Heritage Commission Minutes 03/19/2015
Members Present: Ann Davis, Bob McAnney, Dawn Marshall, Lucille Noel, Michelle Plunkett, Kate Rafferty-Hall
Members Excused: Faye McAnney, Jeff Jordan

Minutes from Feb not available.  

Treasurer Report: Dawn
We have $600.00 that was voted on at Town Meeting.

Kate and Ann motioned to repay Lucille. For out of pocket expenses:

NH Humanities application fee   $50.00
Staples (page protectors)       $12.48
Care Pharmacy (copies Town Meeting)     $10.50
Care Pharmacy (copies barn easement)    $4.85   = $77.88        
April 17, statewide Historic Preservation Conference.  We would like 2 or 3 members to go. The cost is $50 per member. Lucille & Ann will go. Lunch is $10. Motion was made by Dawn & Kate to send 2 people to conference.  Motion carries.

We did a test barn discretionary preservation easement.  Members chose one barn and followed the rubric to see how it would work on the barn easements.  
Scenic Road initiative failed at town meeting.  We would like to find a workshop or program about the laws and regulations about scenic roads.  Michelle will check with Mary Kate.

Master plan chapter held over until next month.

Adjourned @ 8:20.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Plunkett